Specialist Courses

Our specialist courses include the use of medical oxygen and current legislation on the use of emergency adrenaline (EpiPen) nationally accredited OFQUAL regulated certificates are valid for 3 years in each of these areas of training.

Activity and motorsport first aid are aimed at high risk outdoor activities and motorsport trackside medical provision. 

Hostile environment trauma course is aimed at clients working in pre-hospital environments and is taught by instructor (s) from a military background who have had “boots on the ground” as pre-hospital medics, working with limited resources in hostile environments. (pre-course criteria apply to this course)
Catastrophic bleed management and airway management are CPD course that include the use if the latest haemostatic dressings and tourniquets.

Airway management includes the use of latest airway adjuncts and airway managements techniques – these courses can be added together to form a one course for those with time restraints.

Our specialist courses include:

  • Immediate Management of Anaphylaxis - FAA Level 3 Award - 1 day
  • Oxygen Therapy Administration - FAA Level 3 Award - 1 day
  • Hostile Environment Trauma Course
  • Emergency First Aid for Motorcyclists (EFAM)
  • Emergency Response - Sports Injuries
  • Activity First Aid - FAA Level 2 Unit 2 Accreditation 1 -Day
  • Catastrophic Bleed Management
  • Airway Management Training
  • Emergency response - half day

        Outdoor First Aid - Level 3 -  2 Day

        Forestry First Aid ( +F) - FAA  Level 3- 2 hour bolt on to Emergency First aid           course.

        Canine First Aid 


KD Medix